Frequently Asked Question
View/Edit RSS Feeds
Last Updated 4 years ago
To edit an RSS Feed go to View/Edit RSS Feed within the Social module. This will show you a list of all the RSS feeds on your website. Then click on the RSS Feed you would like to edit. This will allow you to update the following:
- Feed Name- this is not displayed to the public but is for your identification
- Title- this is the tile of the website or feed content and does display in the RSS feed and Feed readers
- Link
- Description- a short description of your website or the purpose and content of this feed
- Show full content- Select Yes if you want your RSS Feed to include the full content of your post, or select No if you prefer it only to display a truncated preview of 2000 characters max.
- Category- If you submit your podcasts to iTunes this will aid in the proper categorisation on the Itunes store.
- Language
- Copyright
- Image URL- this is optional, but the recommended size is 88x31, with a maximum size of 144x400