Frequently Asked Question
How Do I Change My Background Image?
Last Updated 4 years ago
Firstly go to Edit Website Design then click on Edit Background Images. From here you can upload the images you would like to use. Once you have uploaded your images, you can choose to create a new style or edit an existing style.
If you would like to create a new style you can leave this section. If you would like to update an existing style you should select this from the drop down menu and then click on Load Background Style. Underneath this are some basic settings for your background image which you can change if you would like.
Next you can scroll down to the section Set Website Images. Here you should find the image that you would like to use as your background and click on the number 2 next to it. This tells the system where you would like the image to be placed. You can now scroll down again to Image Display and Alignment to control more options for your background image. If you are editing an existing style you should click in the Update and Overwrite File box and then click Save Image Settings.
If you are creating a new style you should name it in the Save Background Images Style As box, and then click on Save Image Settings. Once you have saved your background settings you will need to go to the Template Design menu to load the new style as your template. Here you can update your template to include your new background image by selecting the style you created/ edited in the Background Images drop down menu located under Website Styles. You can then Update and Overwrite your existing template or save it as a new combination by naming it and then clicking on Save This Template Combination.
Lastly if you scroll back to the top of the page you should select the Template Combination you have created/edited from the drop down menu and then click Use Template Combination. This will update the background image on your website.
If you would like to create a new style you can leave this section. If you would like to update an existing style you should select this from the drop down menu and then click on Load Background Style. Underneath this are some basic settings for your background image which you can change if you would like.
Next you can scroll down to the section Set Website Images. Here you should find the image that you would like to use as your background and click on the number 2 next to it. This tells the system where you would like the image to be placed. You can now scroll down again to Image Display and Alignment to control more options for your background image. If you are editing an existing style you should click in the Update and Overwrite File box and then click Save Image Settings.
If you are creating a new style you should name it in the Save Background Images Style As box, and then click on Save Image Settings. Once you have saved your background settings you will need to go to the Template Design menu to load the new style as your template. Here you can update your template to include your new background image by selecting the style you created/ edited in the Background Images drop down menu located under Website Styles. You can then Update and Overwrite your existing template or save it as a new combination by naming it and then clicking on Save This Template Combination.
Lastly if you scroll back to the top of the page you should select the Template Combination you have created/edited from the drop down menu and then click Use Template Combination. This will update the background image on your website.