Frequently Asked Question

I Received An Email Saying That There Was A New Update Available. How Do I Update?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Updates are an exciting time in the office and we want you to be able to enjoy it! That’s why, whenever we release an update for the system we let you know.

When you receive this email you can sign in to your website and on the control panel you should see a large box informing you that an update is available. From here simply follow the on screen instructions. If you received an email but then signed on to update and cannot see the Update box, you can check if you are on the most recent system on the Control Panel. Beneath the Breadcrumb menu (this is the list of pages you have recently visited on your website admin, and can be found at the top of the control panel) there is a section called version. If this section is followed by a green tick, you are on the most recent system version! In this event it may be a staff member has updated system for you.

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