Frequently Asked Question
How Do I Make A Banner For My Website?
Last Updated 4 years ago
To make a banner first upload your images using File Upload. If you need to edit your images before creating a banner you can upload your images in our Image Editor module. Once your images have been loaded on to the system you can begin to create your banner.First go to Banner Creator in Modules. Next you will see a page with lots of options, these are the controls that you can use on your banner. You can name your banner at this point or a default name will be given to it. For now you can just scroll to the bottom of the page to add your images. Simply click on Add Image and a box will appear for you to select your image, add a link, and add a caption. Repeat this for every image you would like to include in your banner. Once you have uploaded all of the images you would like to use for your banner, you can drag and drop them into the order you would like them to be shown. Now that you have all of your images in the desired order you can choose from a multitude of effects including Slide Direction, Transition Effects and Auto Play Speed of your banner. Once you have finished adding these effects click on Save Banner. You can place a banner on your page by selecting it from the drop down menu in the Page Content Editor or by using the {=custombanner#} tag. Simply replace the # with the banner number and place on the Page Editor where you would like the banner to be placed.